"Win7" Session "Circular Kernel Context Logger" has failed to start with the following error(s) 0xC0000035 (Odd Fix)
After disabling IPv6, install the latest NIC driver the issue still came up but not as frequent as before. So for whatever reason the issue was reduced. I then tried the rename setup.etl to setup.old and reboot trick (windows\panther\setup.etl). After a reboot the event viewer started right up showing the Overview and Summary information along with preview box information with very little delay! Because this is the Event Tracing Log and no new file was created (setup.etl) after a reboot I decided to rename setup.old back to setup.etl and do a shut down, cold boot. When I click on the event viewer now I notice that the preview box for "Summary of Admin Events" now shows what files are being read. Then after about 3-5 seconds everything is now displayed. Before the name change the "Summary Admin Events" preview box would remain grayed out showing nothing for 20-30 seconds before the information was shown. Not sure if anyone else noticed this but I wanted to post this up as I'm not the only one who's had this error show up in the event viewer. And found no fix for this yet.
January 1st, 2011 2:00am

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